Pacific / American Samoa

American Samoa population drops

11:39 am on 8 August 2019

The population of American Samoa is estimated to fallen by about 1000 people.

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Photo: 123rf

Government data released in August 2018 showed the territory's mid-year 2018 population was estimated at 59,600 - a loss of 700 people compared to July 1, 2017, while data released this week showed that the 2019 mid-year population is estimated to be 58,500.

The Statistics Division of the Department of Commerce said migration, increased mortality and a declining fertility rate were behind the drop.

The department said net natural growth increased at the lowest rate in two decades, with only 600 people added to the count this year.

Additionally, the number of residents relocating to the US and other countries outpaced those migrating to American Samoa.

Of the total mid-year population, there are slightly more females - 29,746 - than males at 28,753.

The age group of 25-64 years old has the highest number at 25,959; followed by 6-13 years old with 10,243; and topping off the top three is the age group of 14-18 with 6,537.

The age group with the smallest estimated population is infants - less than one-year old at 1,133, while the age group of 65 and over totals 3,508.