New Zealand / Infrastructure

Most of Wellington to move to level 2 water restrictions

17:09 pm on 11 January 2024

(file image) Photo: Pexels

Much of the Wellington region will move to level two water restrictions on Wednesday at midnight.

The ban on all sprinklers and irrigation systems for residential homes will apply to Wellington, Porirua, Hutt, and Upper Hutt cities.

People can still water their gardens with a hose at anytime as long as it is not left unattended.

In a statement, Wellington Water said the decision had been made due to very high demand putting pressure on the drinking water supply.

That demand peaked at 195 million litres on 9 January.

The service provider said demand was likely to continue to grow with temperatures rising, people returning from holiday and the high number of leaks in the ageing pipe network.

Drinking water, network development and delivery chief advisor Laurence Edwards said the restrictions would only apply to residential properties but businesses were being asked to pitch in.

"We do ask that businesses across the district take steps to reduce their water usage where possible.

"We are working with our client councils to provide guidance for non-residential customers, including on the restrictions that may apply at Level 3 and 4. If we all do our bit, then we can hopefully avoid further restrictions."

He wanted to reassure residents that Wellington Water was working to find and fix as many leaks as possible within the funding and resources available.

The latest data from the provider shows there are more than 3000 known leaks across the Wellington region's metropolitan area, with new ones popping up regularly.

Edwards said residents were advised to shorten showers to four minutes, not run the tap while brushing their teeth and do full loads of washing.