
Three people arrested in American Samoa face human trafficking charges in Hawaii

06:35 am on 30 September 2006

The Federal Bureau of Investigations has arrested three people in connection with the alleged prostitution ring uncovered recently in American Samoa.

The trio, all Chinese citizens were taken last night to Honolulu where they are being charged for human trafficking.

American Samoa does not have a human trafficking law.

Two of the suspects, Fu Shen Kuo and Sheng Fu Wang have already been charged in American Samoa for promoting prostitution, harboring illegal aliens and assault.

They are the alleged bosses of a bar/restaurant which employed young Chinese women as hostesses, who also provided sexual favors for paying Asian fishermen.

The identity of the third suspect has not been disclosed

The local field office of the Federal Bureau of Investigations has been working for the past several weeks with local police investigators and the Attorney General's Office on the case.

The alleged prostitution ring was uncovered when two victims escaped earlier this month, by literally jumping from the third floor of the building which housed the operation.

Acting Commissioner of Public Safety Mike Fuiava says the chief justice approved the handing over of the Chinese

couple that had been in custody to the FBI.