
New report shows economic contribution of Pasifika in NZ

11:31 am on 13 November 2018

New Zealand's government says Pacific peoples are contributing significantly to its economy despite inequalities that exist in health, housing, education, employment and incomes.

The Labour spokesperson for Pacific Peoples Su'a William Sio.

Aupito William Sio Photo: RNZ/Daniela Maoate-Cox

Its new report, The New Zealand Pacific Economy, highlights the economic footprint of Pacific New Zealanders.

The report said Pacific individuals and businesses contribute US$5.4 billion to New Zealand's annual Gross Domestic Product.

It said Pacific workers earned US$4.5 billion in the 2017 financial year, equating to six percent of the income of all New Zealanders.

However, the average income of Pacific New Zealanders was US$27,000, compared to US$36,000 for non-Pacific people.

The report added that Pacific New Zealanders across the country spent 27,000 hours per week doing voluntary activities.

Pacific Peoples Minister Aupito William Sio said it was important to get the growing young Pacific population into tertiary education.

He said that will lead to more employment, higher incomes and home ownership.