The Wireless

The Bachelor NZ: A hurricane of girls

09:55 am on 19 March 2015

We're now two episodes into The Bachelor NZ, which has seen 21 women get started on their quest for roses and attention. What a crazy journey it has been already.

I’m actually on a quest of my own to remember everyone’s names, but that can prove very difficult when all of them have the SAME name.

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Photo: The Bachelor NZ / The X Factor NZ

Poor Mr Bachelor even tried to make a song in an attempt to remember.

Speaking of our darling bachelor, we finally know who he is! His name is Arthur Green, and he is commonly referred to as ‘Art’. He’s literally named after art!  

The Bachelor: Arthur Green

The Bachelor: Arthur Green Photo: The Bachelor NZ

Over the course of the first two episodes, we’ve definitely gotten to know him a bit better. He’s 26, he runs a health food company, and he has a body! A BODY! I’m so glad one of the girls revealed this as it was really high up on my list of concerns. Phew.

The stand out bachelorette for me so far is Chrystal. Sure, some of you would’ve chosen Rosie but she’s been eliminated so there's not really any need to discuss her. I think this picture really says it all.

Photo: The Bachelor NZ

But, Chrystal. Chrystal, Chrystal, Chrystal. Everytime she’s even slightly in a shot they play Jaws-like music and it freaks me out. Will this foreshadow something that happens later on? Regardless, she looks like an evil queen and I kind of really dig her entire aesthetic.

At the end of the first episode we were teased by Mike Puru’s voice saying that there would be a bunch of “exotic dates” and the sole thought of that absolutely thrilled me. We then get to awkwardly look on as Arthur chooses to take Poppy on probably the most romantic date of all time; an exotic seaplane tour of Auckland City. He raises the bar so high that I’ll probably never go on a date with anyone ever again unless they choose me from a hurricane of girls and then force the others to wait in a garden for approximately three hours.

Photo: The Bachelor NZ

Let’s talk about Poppy. She was the first one to be picked to go on a date alone with Arthur so clearly she the frontrunner. She has really piercing blue eyes, something that Arthur is really keen on and has a singular dreadlock. Two qualities that I’d really enjoy if I was the Bachelor. She reminds me a lot of Jessa from the HBO programme Girls in her actions and the way she talks, and I LOVE IT. 

Photo: Unknown

She’s real down-to-earth (I mean, she farts in front of him at one point) which is something that I think could set her aside from the rest. I don’t think Arthur will be leaving her roseless anytime soon and even if he did, I bet he’d give her a poppy to suffice and it’ll be a great joke. (Arthur if you’re reading this, you’re welcome.)