New Zealand

Chatham Islands bucks trend with strong tourism growth

12:14 pm on 30 January 2021

The Chatham Islands has experienced strong tourism growth as many mainland destinations continue to face losses.

Wharf, Pitt Island, Chatham Islands.

Wharf, Pitt Island, Chatham Islands. Photo: AFP / Julia Thorne

In a newsletter, Tourism Chatham Islands said a comparison of visitor numbers between 2019 and 2020 showed a 32 percent increase in arrivals.

The organisation said Hotel Chathams was nearly full to June, and they were not expecting the usual autumn and winter decline.

"What a challenging year we have just had. While many areas of the mainland have found themselves with major tourism declines the Chathams, being one of the furthest destinations New Zealanders can fly to, we have seen growth," Tourism Chatham Islands said.

Air Chathams confirmed there was already plenty of demand and forward bookings for 2021.

This kind of growth would be essential in supporting larger aircraft to fly to the islands once the right infrastructure was in place, Air Chathams said.