
American Samoa's Star Kist cannery dismisses staff for absenteeism and lateness

06:08 am on 18 May 2009

In American Samoa, the cannery, Star Kist Samoa is taking a different approach to downsizing.

Star Kist spokesperson, Mary Seistric, says its weeding out employees who have accrued the maximum points for absenteeism, unexcused absences and not being punctual.

She says they have initiated a new personnel policy focused on attendance versus absenteeism.

She says the revised policy will reward those employees who are part of a dependable workforce and identify those employees who are not.

Cannery employees told KHJ News that the policy ,which went into effect last week ,lowers the limit that employees can accrue for employment infractions, before they are dismissed.

Previously an employee could accumulate up to 28 points but that has now been lowered to 22.

If an employee takes unexcused absence he or she accrues 1 and a half points, if they are on excused absence they accrue one point, late punch in fetches them one point.

According to the cannery workers well over 100 employees have been dismissed with the lowering of the point system.