
UN Secretary General says definitive agreement on climate change by 2014 vital

16:35 pm on 6 December 2012

The head of the United Nations says he plans to bring world leaders together in 2014 to try and mobilise the political will for a final climate change agreement in 2015.

Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon has told world leaders in Doha, action is needed to meet the scale of the growing climate crisis and the window for change is closing.

He says governments have agreed to keep temperatures from rising above two degrees centigrade from pre-industrial levels, which is both technically possible and financially viable.

He says collective political will is needed, with every delay meaning greater future effort and harm.

"We have a responsibility to sustain and accelerate momentum towards an effective universal binding climate agreement by 2015."

Ban Ki-Moon says the energy challenge is to both reduce greenhouse emissions and to provide modern energy services to everyone on the planet to achieve sustainable equitable development.

A spokesman for the Marshall Islands President says the announcement is a critical step to making the urgent emissions reductions that the small island states are counting on.