
Samoa opposition leader says separation of judicary and state is threatened

19:02 pm on 12 January 2005

The Samoan opposition leader says the separation of Judiciary and State

appears to be threatened by the appointment of Tagaloa Tuala Kerslake as president of the Lands and Titles Court.

Le Mamea Ropati says the appointment appears to be political because Tagaloa was a cabinet minister.

Tagaloa is scheduled to quit as a cabinet minister and be sworn in as Lands and Titles Court president later this month.

Le Mamea says while Tagaloa has served his church and country well, his moving from a cabinet post straight to the head of a court risked justice being seen as being tainted by politics.

Le Mamea says there were many others qualified to be president of the court who are not involved in politics.

The Lands and Titles Court rules on disputes about authority over land and chiefly titles.