Te Ao Māori

Older activists call for younger Maori to get into local politics

07:11 am on 14 September 2011

Two veteran Maori activists are calling for more young Maori to get into local politics.

Hone Harawira and Shane Jones were among those passing on first-hand advice at a hui run by Te Ora o Manukau, which held the meeting at Papakura Marae on Tuesday.

Labour list MP Shane Jones says the hui was all about grooming the next generation on how to be a voice for Maoridom.

He and Mr Harawira told the hui that many Maori leaders are not getting any younger and the need for new blood is great.

He says there's a need for younger input in city and district councils, community boards, health organisations and runanga.

Mr Jones says public life can be unforgiving at times, but Maori need to step up and be counted to help shape the sort of future they want.