
Western Province Governor to leave PNG's coalition

13:05 pm on 13 April 2012

The Governor of Papua New Guinea's Western Province says he is leaving the government camp because of his concern over recent decisions of its leaders.

Bob Danaya, who has been a minor player in the coalition, says he is unhappy, particularly with the passing of the Judicial Conduct Bill and the move to defer elections which the Prime Minister Peter O'Neill has since backtracked on.

Mr Danaya says the current leadership is showing a lack of maturity and he suspects more experienced leaders in the coalition may regret supporting it.

He says ulterior motives are driving the government's decisions, mainly related to the ongoing court battle with parliament's Somare group which also claims to be government.

"I am very concerned of the way the current regime is running the government so I wouldn't want to be part of this regime which is making controversial decisions that may backfire later on once the court decision is made. So I will officially move across to the middle bench."

Bob Danaya