New Zealand / Canterbury

TAB records turnover of $7.5m from Christchurch's Cup day

16:46 pm on 9 November 2022

About 15,000 people gathered at Christchurch's Addington Raceway for the Trotting Cup. Photo: Samuel Rillstone/RNZ

Betting operators have reported a record breaking take for Cup day in Christchurch yesterday.

TAB said turnover from yesterday's New Zealand Trotting Cup at Addington reached $7.5million dollars.

About 15,000 people gathered at Christchurch's Addington Raceway for the Trotting Cup.

It was the first time in three years that the Cup was held without Covid-19 restrictions.

TAB's Matt Smith said it was the most money bet, on a New Zealand race meeting in the last 20 years.

He said some big dividends were on offer during the day.

A 219 dollar trifecta on the Cup returned one punter $81,000.

Cup and Show week is considered the highlight of Christchurch's social calendar and usually brings in under $4.5 million to the local economy.