Te Ao Māori

Ngati Hine seeks to remove nominees

07:41 am on 30 July 2014

Ngati Hine claimants are moving to bump two people off the authority set up to negotiate the Ngapuhi treaty settlement.

Pita Tipene said the pair were told they don't have the backing of their people. Photo: RNZ

Mere Mangu and Joe Davis have been nominated for places on Tuhoronuku - the runanga-led body that claims the mandate to represent the iwi.

But Ngati Hine leaders say Ms Mangu and Mr Davis don't have the backing of their people.

Spokesperson Pita Tipene said the pair were given that message at a hui they called last week.

He said their reaction was they thought they were doing the right thing and they were going to carry on despite the will of Ngati Hine.

Mr Tipene said the Crown requires 90 signatures if a hapu wants to dump its representatives on Tuhoronuku - and Ngati Hine has collected 1000.

He said Ngati Hine wanted to pursue and manage its own Treaty settlement.