Business / Auckland Region

SkyCity Convention Centre fire: insurers to cover costs

11:22 am on 26 November 2019

Insurers will pay out for the damage caused by last month's fire at the International Convention Centre and Horizon Hotel under construction in central Auckland, SkyCity Entertainment Group says.

Plenary Theatre main floor, at the back of the theatre you can see the raked seating. Above you can see part of the collapsed roof (which includes gibing and other materials) but you can also see that the physical roof structure is still intact.

Inside the under-construction building after it was damaged by fire in October. Photo: Fire and Emergency New Zealand

The casino operator said insurance covered building contractor Fletcher Construction under its contract works and third party liability insurance policy.

SkyCity said third party insurance claims would be handled on a claim-by-claim basis where legal liability exists.

Fletcher Building said it was still assessing the impact on the project's delivery timeline, costs, cash-flows, and the cost provisions to complete the project forecast in February 2018.

However, it said it remained within those cost estimates based on information currently available and would update the market in February when it released its first half financial result.

Access to the construction site was still restricted as safety and structural assessments and investigations into the cause of the fire were ongoing.

SkyCity said the parties were committed to completing the convention centre to the standard agreed with the New Zealand Government.

The company had not provided an estimate of costs.