
Councils to choose where high density housing goes - Bishop

16:22 pm on 27 February 2024


Most of the motu's biggest cities will be flooded with land for residential developments if the Housing Minister has his way.

In a speech today, Chris Bishop has confirmed councils will have to earmark 30 years worth of land for housing development.

They'll be able to opt out of housing density rules that allow homes up to three stories high on most residential sites without the need for a consent.

A bi-partisan rule that National signed up to in opposition.

Instead, councils will be able to choose exactly where high density housing goes.

The government is also promising to make it easier to build granny flats or dwellings less than 60 square metres.

In a briefing to cabinet, the Minister says housing affordability is arguably the single most pressing economic and social issue and he'll have a plan to solve it in the first three months of this year.

Chris Bishop speaks to Lisa Owen.