
Despite reports no sign of unrest on Weathercoast of Guadalcanal says national peace council

13:15 pm on 28 September 2005

The National Peace Council in Solomon Islands says it is unaware of any militants causing trouble on Guadalcanal's Weathercoast.

There have been claims that former militants are getting away with crime in Marasa, despite a RAMSI police unit being located nearby.

The Guadalcanal councillor at the National Peace Council, Victor Ngele, has just returned from conducting a workshop there.

He says although no leaders mentioned any unrest or crime being committed by former militants, he says it could be a possibility.

"Anything can happen at this time as people are still trying to get over the traumas and trying to mitigate with who their friends and who their enemies were but I can say for sure that I haven't heard any news about Marasa."

The National Peace Council's Guadalancal Councillor's, Victor Ngele