
Family still hold hope for Nina crew

10:59 am on 6 February 2014

Family members of those on the missing yacht Nina say they are taking fresh hope from the story of a man who apparently survived more than a year at sea.

The Nina off Russell in January 2012. Photo: AFP

Jose Salvador Alvarenga from El Salvador was found washed up on a remote Marshall Islands atoll last week. He says he was blown off course from Mexico 10,000km away.

The Nina went missing on the way from the Bay of Islands to Australia in June last year.

Ricky Wright's daughter Danielle, 19, was one of seven people on board.

While the families already had faith that people could survive a long time at sea, he says Mr Alvarenga's story of survival is a definite boost and gives them strength as they continue the search for their daughter.

He and his wife are returning to the United States, but will continue the search.

The Nina, a 21-metre wooden schooner, was built in 1928.

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