
Defeated Samoan leader says election loss due to bribery

13:34 pm on 1 May 2006

The defeated leader of the Samoa Progressive Party has blamed bribery and treating for the fifth general election victory of the ruling Human Rights Protection Party.

The HRPP political party has been in power for more than two decades.

Autagavaia Tipi Autagavaia reports from Apia:

"To'alepaialii was a former HRPP government Minister in the early eighties, who was the only candidate running for his party in last month's election. To'alepaialii says he believes the Prime Minister ,Tuilaepa Lupesoliai Sa'ilele Malielegaoi, is well aware of what he alleges are the many irregularities and illegal practices behind his party's victory. But, the Prime Minister is denying the allegations. Tuila'epa says that everyone can see the economic success of the whole nation has stemmed from his government's efforts since it came into power. HRPP, he says, has a record of never failing to lift the people's standard of living. According to Tuila'epa, that's why the majority of people voted them back in. He says only other political parties, including the Samoa Progressive party travelled to New Zealand and Australia to raise funds for the elections."