London Games 2012

Henderson predicts 'professional' road race

12:10 pm on 27 July 2012

New Zealand cyclist Greg Henderson says he has high expectations for himself heading into Saturday's Olympic road race in London.

The race will be New Zealand's first medal opportunity at the Games.

Greg Henderson. Photo: NZOC

Henderson completed three weeks of racing in the Tour de France earlier this week and says he is expecting a similar style of racing on Saturday.

He says his body is in top form and he is feeling very motivated and excited.

Henderson says the circuit being used for the Games suits his attributes as a cyclist, which happens very rarely at a world championships or Olympics.

He says he and fellow New Zealand cyclist Jack Bauer have discussed race tactics and it is just a matter of implementing those on the day.

"It's pretty obvious what the tactic will be for the race because I think every country is employing the same tactic," he says.

Henderson says New Zealand only has two riders so will not be a dominant nation that can take control of the race.

"You've got teams like Australia, Germany, France, Great Britain, who've got five riders and they're working together for a similar goal, so in effect it could be like a professional road race."