Pacific / French Polynesia

Last Covid-19 patient to exit Tahiti hospital

12:45 pm on 10 June 2020

The last hospital patient with Covid-19 symptoms in French Polynesia has been allowed to check out and move to private accommodation.

French military Casa plane in Nuku Hiva

French military Casa plane in Nuku Hiva Photo: supplied FB

The individual from Ecuador had been on a fishing vessel which a month ago sought medical help when one of the crew was seriously ill.

The ship Charo anchored off the Marquesas Islands and the French military flew the man to Tahiti in an operation which also involved the urgent medical aid service, SAMU, and the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre in Tahiti.

He was diagnosed with Covid-19 and hospitalised.

The authorities tested the rest of the crew in an uninhabited bay of Nuku Hiva, and 28 of the 29 on board tested positive.

The purse seiner was advised to move into international waters but has since returned to Ecuador.

Since the start of the Covid-19 outbreak in mid-March French Polynesia recorded 89 cases.

The government, however, classified the Ecuadorian cases, including the man still in Tahiti, separately as transit cases.

The health minister Jacques Raynal declared in late April that the circulation of the Covid-19 virus had been stopped.

From mid-July, French Polynesia's borders will be open and people with a negative coronavirus test can visit without the need to go into quarantine.