Election 2008

Vocal protest by Labour supporters during Key's speech

19:53 pm on 6 November 2008

National Party leader John Key has faced a noisy clash between Labour and National Party supporters in Cathedral Square in Christchurch.

Mr Key has chartered a plane to make a whistlestop tour of seven centres - with the media in tow - on the last two days of the campaign.

As about 150 National Party supporters waited for an hour for John Key in Christchurch, a dozen Labour supporters yelled slogans and waved placards at them.

They continued to chant slogans during Mr Key's brief speech, including "hello Mr Flip Flop" and "the world is voting left" before embarking on a shouting match with the National supporters.

Mr Key's words were almost drowned out by the vocal Labour supporters.

Radio New Zealand's reporter said Mr Key remained calm during what was at times a pushy crowd and joked with the protesters that they had to come to National's rally because everyone else had stopped listening to them.

The National Party leader left Auckland on a 19-seater Beech 1900D and flew to Napier, Taupo, Christchurch, Nelson and Wellington on Thursday.

Meanwhile, Labour Party leader Helen Clark took a swipe at John Key's charter-plane tour of the country, saying it will not leave much time to talk to voters.

Miss Clark, who concentrated her efforts in South Auckland on Thursday, said she would like to know which "big business donor" is paying for the plane.

"I think he'll spend more time on planes than actually talking to voters. I prefer to cut out the travel, and get face to face with people."

Helen Clark said she had focused on heartland Labour seats in Auckland at the end of every general election campaign.