New Zealand / Regional

Vineyards warned to reduce noise from frost fans

07:23 am on 1 November 2009

The Marlborough District Council has issued noise abatement notices to two properties, amid complaints about the sound made by fans used to ward off frost.

The council says it believes a minority of the 1000 frost machines used by vineyards in the region are excessively noisy.

Vineyard neighbours in the Wairau and Waihopai valleys have protested for years about being kept awake by what they say is excessive noise from fans used to direct warm air onto vulnerable grape buds in frosty weather.

One Waihopai Valley vineyard was issued with an abatement notice in September, but is fighting the move in the Environment Court.

The council has now issued a further notice affecting about 40 fans on two Wairau Valley properties.

Marlborough Mayor Alistair Sowman says owners have been told to reduce the noise or go through a resource consent process. The vineyards have been given a month to act.

The council is introducing a change to the District Plan to increase frost fan noise standards and a hearing is expected early next year.