New Zealand / Rural

Police shooting of man as he charged officer justified - police watchdog

13:16 pm on 25 May 2023

The shooting of a man charging at a police officer was justified, the police watchdog has found. Photo: RNZ / Angus Dreaver

A police officer was justified in shooting a man who tried to stab him in a rural area near Invercargill, the Independent Police Conduct Authority has ruled.

In March last year, police were told the man had seriously assaulted his ex-partner.

When officers arrived at his home at Dacre, about 24km north of Invercargill, he was aggressive and fired a home-made gun inside the house, before fleeing in his car and smashing into a patrol car in the process.

Due to damage to the car, the man stopped by the Dacre hall.

"The man got out onto the road holding the gun and a knife," the authority's ruling said.

"Members of the public stopped their cars and officers arrived and started talking to the man.

"Another police car arrived, and the man ran towards the public still holding the gun and the knife. An officer attempted to fire a sponge round weapon at the man, but the officer's weapon did not fire.

"The man tried to get into a milk tanker using his gun to smash the window, breaking the gun, then tried getting into a nearby car.

"The same officer challenged the man to stop, but the man then ran at the officer swinging his knife. The officer tried firing the sponge round weapon but again it did not fire. The officer stepped back and drew his pistol. The man continued to rush forward with the knife trying to grab the officer's pistol. The officer fired one shot and hit the man in the chest."

The man had surgery and recovered.

"Verbal instructions and communication, and the attempted use of the sponge round weapon, had failed to stop the man," Independent Police Conduct Authority chair Judge Kenneth Johnston KC said.

"The officer faced serious consequences for his safety and responded appropriately and bravely to defend himself and members of the public. I commend him for his actions."

The man's former partner was later found unharmed.

The sponge round weapon was checked and found to be operational.

Southern District Commander Superintendent Paul Basham also commended the actions of the officers involved.

"I am proud of the way our officers handled this extremely dangerous and unpredictable situation and their actions are commendable. As always, we review and learn from these situations for the safety of our staff and the public.

"Thankfully, our officers were able to return home unharmed, however, we continue to provide support to them following what was an understandably distressing incident."