The Wireless

Surf's up

07:58 am on 29 November 2013

Better-value broadband is on the cards following the National Government's unsuccessful proposal to override price cuts recommended by the Commerce Commission.

Consumer groups have been pushing for the 23 per cent cut to the wholesale charges retail ISPs pay to network company Chorus to use its copper-wire network.

The Government had raised the possibility of legislative intervention to override the commission's recommendation in an August discussion document, in which it argued that making copper prices too cheap would jeopardise the roll-out of fibre-based Ultrafast Broadband.

But the other parties in Parliament said yesterday they would not support any such law.

The commission's final recommendation of a 23 per cent cut is still subject to a final pricing review, but any cuts should take effect for consumers in December next year.

Telecommunications Minister Amy Adams is looking into what changes, if any, can be made to the Government's contract with Chorus. She appeared on Radio New Zealand National's Checkpoint last night.

Jordan Carter of Internet NZ talked to Nine to Noon about telco infrastructure company Chorus' ability to deliver in light of the development.