Business / Country

Overall value of dairy exports increases by 17 percent

13:35 pm on 13 September 2022
Spoon with infant formula

Photo: 123rf

High prices for dairy have helped lift the overall value of dairy exports by 17 percent.

In the year to July, the total export value of milk powder, butter and cheese increased $2.8 billion to $18.8b.

Stats NZ said the annual increase was heavily driven by exports of milk powder, up $1.1 billion to $10 billion and milk fats, including butter, up $1.1b to $3.8b from the year ended July 2021.

Over half of the dairy commodity group exports were made up of milk powder products (55 percent). Milk powder, butter, and cheese made up 28 percent of total annual exports of all commodities.

Other annual increases within dairy products included fresh milk and cream, up $231 million (21 percent) to $1.3b, and cheese, up $112m (5.3 percent) to $2.2b.

Stats NZ international trade statistics manager Alasdair Allen said dairy products had a strong finish to the export season with a continuation of high prices, especially in the second half of the season.

Compared with the year ended July 2021, unit price changes for dairy products included:

  • milk powder (up 27 percent)
  • milk fats including butter (up 40 percent)
  • milk and cream (up 20 percent)
  • cheese (up 19 percent)
  • whey and other products (up 23 percent)