New Zealand / Covid 19

Covid-19: Biggest drop in reported NCEA credits in Northland, Auckland and Tasman

14:56 pm on 15 October 2020

The pandemic has harmed NCEA results in Northland, Auckland and Tasman more than in other parts of the country.

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Qualifications Authority figures show by the end of September schools in those areas had reported 18-20 percent fewer NCEA results from internal assessments than at the same time last year.

In contrast, schools in Otago and Bay of Plenty had reported just 6-7 percent fewer results than normal.

The authority said the total number of reported results nationally at the end of September was 14 percent lower than in 2019, an improvement on the mid-September figure of 20 percent.

Its figures showed that low-decile schools had reported 18 percent fewer results than last year, while schools in deciles 9 and 10 had reported about 13 percent fewer.

Māori, Asian and European students had reported 13-14 percent fewer results, while Pacific students had reported just over 16 percent fewer.

"The reduction in reported results from the same time last year appears to be mainly due to schools deferring their assessment programmes to later in the year, in line with our advice provided to schools in May and June in response to the disruptions from Covid-19," the authority said.

It said it expected schools would report more results this month as schools completed assessments before the start of end-of-year exams in November.

Earlier this year, the government introduced learning recognition credits which would give students in Auckland up to 20 percent of the credits required for an NCEA certificate, and up to 13 percent for students elsewhere.

Reported NCEA results at 30 September 2020

Region Percentage different from 2019
Auckland 18.1%
Bay of Plenty 6.4%
Canterbury 10.9%
Gisborne 12.6%
Hawke's Bay 12.4%
Manawatu-Whanganui 12.5%
Marlborough 14.9%
Nelson 8.6%
Northland 19.2%
Otago 6.6%
Southland 14.6%
Taranaki 11.6%
Tasman 20.1%
Waikato 9.8%
Wellington 16.1%
West Coast 14.6%