Nominations for the Green Party's vacant co-leadership position have now opened.
Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson Photo: RNZ / Angus Dreaver
Climate Minister James Shaw was ousted as co-leader after more than 25 percent of the delegates at the party's annual general meeting last weekend voted to reopen his position for nominations.
An email to Green Party members seen by RNZ, which included a "role description", said nominations would be open for a week, until next Thursday 4 August.
"We have an important decision to make collectively and the processes we follow for our decision making are part of who we are," it said.
"As your newly elected Party Co-convenors we ask for your support as we seek to fill the vacant Party Co-leader position. We acknowledge that this is a particularly challenging situation for many of us. Members are experiencing a range of emotions."
Shaw is the only confirmed contender so far, but fellow MP Teanau Tuiono yesterday said he was considering running for the position.
Co-leader Marama Davidson told reporters this afternoon she was unaware if any other candidates planned to run.
"No matter what, we're going to have good debate and discussion with the members, with the party, how we doing on climate change, on being strong independent political movement.
"And no matter what happens, no matter what candidates we do or don't get, I anticipate and know that it's really healthy for us to have those debates."
She said the party's standing orders committee, which meets to decide the rules for the party and is responsible for opening nominations, was staffed by volunteers and had been working hard to get the nominations open.
"They're literally juggling life and they have been working as rapidly as possible to finalise those details.