
Vanuatu Education Ministry to encourage further science studies

11:19 am on 9 April 2012

The Education Minister in Vanuatu says it is revising the science curriculum from pre-school to high school to encourage students to continue the subject at tertiary level.

Marcellino Pepite says there is a shortage of students from Vanuatu doing science degrees at the University of the South Pacific.

He says he hopes the new curriculum will provide students with more options for specialising in a particular science.

"I think science alone is a very broad notion. You have science technology, you have science computing things. So we will try to present in our curriculum, we will do it to give an understanding and teaching that at the end a student can develop a particular science option to continue and to have a job."

Marcellino Pepite says the government is also working on granting more scholarships to students who wish to study science at the USP.