
Solomons Opposition rubbishes government for cancelled meeting over RAMSI

17:48 pm on 19 September 2007

The Solomon Islands Opposition has rubbished the Government's excuses for cancelling talks with officials from the Pacific Islands Forum and Regional Assistance Mission on the future of RAMSI.

The talks were to be held in Honiara earlier this week but the Government claimed it had been given short notice and did not have enough time to prepare its position.

But the acting Opposition Leader, Edward Huniehu, says the Government was informed three weeks ago about the date of the meeting.

He says the seemingly hostile manner of the Prime Minister, Manessah Sogavare, to the RAMSI mission is unnecessary.

Mr Huniehu says it is the Solomons' Government which bends rules, procedures and systems to suit its own ends.

Meanwhile Mr Huniehu is calling on the Forum to release its review of RAMSI.

He says, this report compiled by an Eminent Persons Team earlier this year, may contain recomendations that the Government is unhappy with but the country needs to know what they are.