New Zealand

Parole Board accused of failing troubled Russian orphan

09:51 am on 5 June 2012

The Parole Board is being accused of failing in its duty of care for a Russian orphan with behavioural problems.

Andrej Schwaab, 19, is to be sentenced this week on five charges including arson.

His mother, Sue Freeman, says her pleas to have him electronically monitored after his release from prison last year were ignored.

The Christchurch woman said she wrote to the Board well before her son's parole hearing in November to stress the importance of the monitoring on his release because of his propensity for offending.

Andrej Schwaab also wanted electronic monitoring, but the Board denied the request.

Within three weeks of being released, Schwaab stole a car, burnt it out and robbed a house.

Ms Freeman says the Parole Board has failed terribly because her son needs clearly defined boundaries.

The board says the Probation Service did not recommend electronic monitoring and it must follow that advice.

In its letter to Ms Freeman, the board said while electronic monitoring certainly acts as a deterrent, if someone is "hell bent" on committing a crime, they still will.

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