New Zealand / Covid 19

Covid-19 update: One new case in managed isolation

13:28 pm on 30 October 2020

There is just one new case of the novel coronavirus today - a member of the Christchurch-based international mariners group.

Ministry of health

File image. Photo: RNZ / Richard Tindiller

In a statement, the Ministry of Health said today's positive case was a close contact of an existing case, and gave the ministry confidence that it was taking the right approach in the circumstances.

"Day 15 testing will be carried out this weekend of all group members who are not already confirmed cases. All those who meet our low risk indicators, which include those who've recovered or have returned consistently negative test results throughout their stay, will be eligible to leave managed isolation from next Tuesday 3 November."

There are 68 active cases and the total number of confirmed cases is now 1594.

There were six new cases of Covid-19 in New Zealand yesterday, all imported.

Yesterday 7472 tests were processed, the ministry said.

"This is the second consecutive day of more than 7000 tests completed. It is good to see a sustained response to the call for anyone with symptoms to be tested."

The ministry also said genome sequencing carried out in Queensland of one of the Covid-19 positive crew members of the Sofrana Surville had connected it to three recent cases from the Auckland maritime company cluster.

"The Brisbane sequence was one mutation earlier than the genomes sequenced from our New Zealand cases. This supports our view that the index case in this group was infected by on board exposure to new crew members who joined the Sofrana Surville in Auckland. We continue to investigate the exact circumstances where the infection might have occurred to inform any changes to protocols designed to keep workers and our communities safe."