Pike River Mine

Church services remember the 29 miners

08:41 am on 29 November 2010

Churches in Greymouth and around the country have held services featuring special memorial aspects for the miners.

The Catholic bishop of Christchurch, Barry Jones, led the service at St Patrick's in Greymouth, which was attended by those who had lost friends and family.

A spokesperson for St Patrick's, Father John Morrison, says the service was fuller than normal.

Extra help for volunteers brought in

Emotionally drained welfare workers dealing with the Pike River tragedy are to be relieved by teams from outside the area.

Many volunteers with Victim Support and the Red Cross have been helping others, even though they have a personal connection to the mine themselves.

Jenny Henchman from Victim Support says the volunteers have been offering the miners' families a shoulder to cry on and referring them to the appropriate social services.

She says it's emotionally draining work, especially for those who consider the West Coast their home.

The Red Cross is also bringing in a fresh team, from Timaru, to relieve local volunteers.