
PNG coffee exports on track

10:49 am on 26 October 2010

Papua New Guinea's Coffee Industry Corporation says it's on track to generate over 190 million US dollars from coffee exports this year and growth is possible next year if farmers are given more support.

The Corporation chief executive, Navi Anis, says the industry should produce over a million bags of export coffee by next year, if the current export trend continues.

He says while a predicted drought next year could impact heavily, their focus is on helping small farmers boost production now.

"The industry has been quite stagnant for some time. We have been exporting a million bags over the last ten years, thats the average, and to get growth into the industry we're now paying our attention to the farmers at farm level and assisting farmers to look after their coffee and I think importantly we are facilitating replanting and rehabilitation programmes at the farm level."

Chief executive officer of PNG's Coffee Industry Corporation, Navi Anis.