The Labour Party has followed up its list of 10 worst statistics with a list of quotes from the National Party about the economy.
On Tuesday, Labour leader Phil Goff released a list of figures that he said showed New Zealand had gone backwards under John Key's leadership.
Labour finance spokesperson David Cunliffe on Wednesday issued a 'top 15' list of quotes from Mr Key and his deputy Bill English, that he says show they have talked up an economic recovery while failing to deliver one.
The earliest quote on the list is from December 2008 when Mr Key said the country could have enormous confidence in his leadership, as National looked to deliver productivity growth in a strong economy.
In August last year, Mr English said the recovery had been quite considerable.
Mr Cunliffe says the recovery has not happened, and New Zealanders are worse off under National.
Asked about the list, National Party leader John Key said he was happy with the party's record, given the economy had grown in eight of the last nine quarters and 60,000 jobs have been created.
Listen to John Key's response