The Wireless

Jail risk for tagger

09:35 am on 21 October 2014

An Auckland tagger has been told by a judge that jail time is “a clear possibility”, the New Zealand Herald reports.

Ross James Goode, 25, was found responsible for more than 800 tags over a three-year period. He had denied seven charges of intentional damage despite being convicted on three previous occasions of tagging the words "GOSYS", "GOSUS", "YOSYS" or "YOSUS" on property around the city, the newspaper said.

An Auckland Council spokesman said they would pursue Goode for the costs of repairing the damage - a bill of $26,174.

Judge Fraser, who delivered guilty verdicts on all counts, was sceptical of the skill behind the work, the newspaper said.

“I don't think I'd be hanging one on my wall like a Banksy,” he said.