New Zealand / Regional

Govt rules out Auckland motorway charges

15:39 pm on 11 June 2015

The Government has formally ruled out allowing Auckland to bring in motorway charges to help fund transport projects.

Congested outgoing traffic in the afternoon rushhour on an Auckland motorway

Congested outgoing traffic during afternoon rush hour in Auckland. Photo: 123rf

Transport Minister Simon Bridges has written to the city's mayor Len Brown saying the Government is unwilling to consider the idea.

National MP

Simon Bridges Photo: RNZ / Alexander Robertson

The Auckland Council will soon finalise plans to seek motorway charging beginning in three years, with households to be levied $115 a year in the meantime.

Mr Bridge's letter also formalises his previously stated view that the projects planned by Auckland do not provide a compelling case for additional investment.

He's proposing a year-long negotiation with the council on an agreed 30-year programme focusing on reducing congestion, and boosting public transport where that reduces congestion.

Mr Brown has not given up on the motorway charges plan, pointing to the joint work done with the Government that helped change its mind on the City Rail Link.

He welcomed the progress being made on a joint transport strategy for Auckland.