Veteran Tuhoe activist Tame Iti has been announced as a list candidate for the Maori Party.
Tame Iti. Photo: RNZ / Graeme Acton
Mr Iti was arrested during the 2007 Urewera police raids and later found guilty of firearms offences.
Tame Iti said the Maori Party was the only independent Maori voice in Parliament and he was standing for the party because of its focus on issues important to whanau, hapu, and iwi.
He told Morning Report if elected to Parliament, he would be happy to work with National to make progress on Maori Party policy.
Listen to Tame Iti
Mr Iti said he supported the party sitting at the decision-making table of the Government to bring about change.
Party president Naida Glavish said having Mr Iti's support was a huge boost to the party and sent a strong message to electorates. The party is to release its full list later today.