
Vanuatu company looks into establishing wind farm near Port Vila

19:35 pm on 7 March 2005

The utility company Unelco Vanuatu Ltd says it's investigating the merits of establishing a windfarm in Port Vila.

The Water Supply manager and soon-to-be manager of Unelco, John Shaniel says at this stage the company is eyeing Devil's Point, close to the capital, as the potential site for the farm.

He says the company has been recording speeds and frequencies of winds for eight months, and needs to do so for four more months, to evaluate the viability of a windfarm.

Mr Shaniel says the wind measurements they've been recording are encouraging, and the potential farm would have obvious benefits for Vanuatu.

"Well Vanuatu at present is fully dependent on diesel fuels and we all know what is happening with the world price of oil, so there's this purely financial aspect. There's this benefit for Vanuatu in terms of balance of payments and of course there's the environmental aspects which would be of benefit."

John Shaniel, of Vanuatu-based utility company Unelco.