Te Ao Māori

Greens blame Maori TV CEO for staff leaving

06:22 am on 26 June 2015

Green Party co-leader Metiria Turei is blaming Māori Television chief executive Paora Maxwell for the loss of four highly regarded reporters and producers over the last four weeks.

Paora Maxwell.

Paora Maxwell. Photo: MAORI TV

As Māori Television announced its new line-up for its Native Affairs programme, outgoing presenter of the show Mihingarangi Forbes posted a tweet yesterday saying senior producer Annabelle Lee had resigned.

It follows the recent departures of two other reporters, Jodi Ihaka and Semi Ramas Holland.

"Paora Maxwell needs to answer some hard questions about his management decisions," said Ms Turei.

"It has meant that great journalists and producers who are well respected by the Māori community are now leaving Māori Television in droves.

"It's bad for Māori TV, it's bad for the Māori community and Paora Maxwell is clearly not doing his job properly."

The Minister for Māori Development Te Ururoa Flavell said it was an operational matter for Māori Television to deal with.