New Zealand / Climate

Iconic glaciers worldwide to melt away by 2050 - UN report

13:22 pm on 4 November 2022
fox glacier

File photo. Photo: 123RF

A new UN report shows many of the world's iconic glaciers will disappear in just decades.

The UNESCO data reveals accelerating melting means a third of glaciers at World Heritage sites will be gone by 2050.

The glaciers under review at 50 UNESCO sites make up about 10 percent of the world's total.

They are currently losing 58 billion tons of ice every year - equivalent to the combined annual water use of France and Spain - and are responsible for nearly 5 percent of observed global sea-level rise.

The last remaining glaciers in Africa will go, as will some near Mt Everest, in Alaska, Yellowstone Park in the US, and Pyrenees Mont Perdu in France and Spain.

The report notes glaciers on the west of New Zealand's South Island have lost 20 percent of their volume since 2000.

It says other glaciers can be saved but current warming projections make it highly unlikely.

Half of humanity depends directly or indirectly on glaciers for water for domestic use, agriculture, and power.

In addition to drastically reduced carbon emissions, UNESCO is advocating for the creation of an international fund for glacier monitoring and preservation.

It said such a fund would support comprehensive research, promote exchange networks between all stakeholders and implement early warning and disaster risk reduction measures.

Examples of endangered glaciers by region


According to available data, glaciers in all World Heritage sites in Africa will very likely be gone by 2050, including Kilimanjaro National Park and Mount Kenya.


Glaciers in Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas (China) - #1 highest mass loss relative to 2000 (57.2 percent) and also the fastest melting glacier on the List.

Glaciers in Western Tien-Shan (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan) have shrunk by 27 percent since 2000.


Glaciers in Pyrenees Mont Perdu (France, Spain) - very likely to disappear by 2050.

Glaciers in The Dolomites (Italy) - very likely to disappear by 2050.

Latin America:

Glaciers in Los Alerces National Park (Argentina) - #2 highest mass loss relative to 2000 (45.6 percent).

Glaciers in Huascaran National Park (Peru) have shrunk by 15 percent since 2000.

North America:

Glaciers in Yellowstone National Park (United States of America) - very likely to disappear by 2050.

Glaciers in Yosemite National Park (United States of America) - very likely to disappear by 2050.

Glaciers in Waterton Glacier International Peace Park (Canada, United States of America) have lost 26.5 percent of their volume in 20 years.


Glaciers in Te Wahipounamu - South West New Zealand (New Zealand) have lost almost 20 percent of their volume since 2000.