
Fiji says Australia undermining the country with updated travel advisory

16:28 pm on 9 October 2007

Fiji's military has accused the Australian government of trying to undermine the interim regime.

The latest Australian travel advisory says they continue to receive credible information that the situation could lead without warning to outbreaks of violence.

But the military spokesman, Lt Colonel Mosese Tikoitoga, says the Public Emergency regulations were lifted at the weekend because there was no security threat.

He is suspicious of the motives behind the Australian travel warning:

"They have an agenda against the government. I think they have an agenda to discredit the government as much as they can. I think they want to target the economy so they can discredit the government and they've continued to do that over the past months and this is no exception."

Lt Colonel Tikoitoga, says if Australia has credible information it should give details to the interim administration so that action can be taken to improve security.