Fiji's interim government says 2008 proved to be a good and successful year for the agriculture sector with production in the food sector registering a 30 percent growth across the board.
Speaking at the 29th Food and Agriculture Organization Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific, Minister for Primary Industries Joketani Cokanasiga said the rise was partly due to global food prices which improved income from crops.
Mr Cokanasiga says the increase is also partly because the government implemented policies to reinforce these trends.
He says the contribution to the Gross Domestic Growth by the non sugar sector has risen steadily during 2006 and 2007 from 7.3 percent to 8.3. percent and he expects the increment will be greater during 2008.
Mr Cokanasiga also says despite its success the Ministry is aware of the ease with which some of the lowlands along the coasts can be inundated with sea water and the risk of food security in these areas.