The Wireless

My Top 5: Instant Fantasy

08:04 am on 13 May 2015

Throughout NZ Music Month we’ll be hearing stories from young musicians about the local songs they love the most. Today, Gemma Syme talks about tracks from Coco Solid, Wywy Brix, The River Jones, October and Chelsea Jade.

Instant Fantasy.

Instant Fantasy. Photo: Anna Dean

Christchurch's Gemma Syme aka Instant Fantasy wrapped up a tour of the country with Lttle Phnx and Misfit Mod late last month, and also dropped her first release, The Wet EP, a project that she had been working on for the previous year and a half. She took a moment to tell us about her top five New Zealand songs.

Coco Solid – ‘Heaven's Gate’

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I think Coco Solid is one of the most important artists and musicians in New Zealand. I randomly bought the Rap n Roll EP from a random shop on K Road one day in the mid-2000s and it was a total game changer for me. She is inspirational, smart (DEEP thinking), always being creative, seems to be honest, engaged in her communities, and isn’t afraid of to stand up for what she believes in. Most of this vibed from her online presence, but to me it seems like she keeps it real. Once when I was drunk at a party I told her all this and I legit don't regret it at all.

Wywy Brix – ‘Polydactyl’

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Is this New Zealand’s FUNKIEST man ever? Wywy Brix (formerly of Cartoon, Golden Axe and all round art genius) is releasing his latest album Clear Licorice on 1080p Collection. The album has been described as being “Existential P-Funk and techno experiments”, and this track is more on the ambient techno tip - and I’m so ready to vibe along. There have been some outstanding electronic music out of late. Have a taste of Mongo Skato, Career Girls, Lttle Phnx, Misfit Mod, imugi, Totems, Tlaotlon, Leno Lovecraft, Power Nap, Eyeliner (Sorry to lump you all in together but I can only have five on this list soz). 

The River Jones – ‘Yazz’

There are a lot of amazing bands coming out of Christchurch at the moment (*cough* Doprah, Yumi Zouma, Moonpup, ummm heaps of others *cough*), and The River Jones are definitely one of them! If you like a glorious cacophony of experimental punk/post-rock, then these guys are definitely your cup of tea. They have an album that’s already in the bag, but they want to get some vinyl distro happening. Soon my friends. Sooooon.

October – ‘Voids’

October is a producer and musician living in Wellington. She started out doing covers (her ‘I Wanna Be Adored’ cover is fully sick) but she recently dropped this single and I lost it. Sooooo good. Can wait to hear more from her! 

Chelsea Jade – ‘Night Swimmer (Race Banyon remix)’

YES, the boy genius Race Banyon works wonders on this track by one of my favourites, Chelsea Jade. It’s got all the #feels you could ever want. Chelsea Jade is a great artist with a great vision, and also her video for ‘Visions’ is one of my favourite videos ever.