Pacific / Papua New Guinea

PNG governor calls for action on sorcery-related killings

08:48 am on 28 December 2017

A Papua New Guinea provincial governor says people involved in sorcery-related killings targeting women and the elderly must face the full force of the law.

Gary Juffa was condemning the recent murder of a woman from Enga Province who was falsely accused of practising sorcery.

Mr Juffa said the lack of immediate action by law enforcement authorities was an endorsement of such crimes and he called on the Minister of Police to make resources and manpower available to stop the killings.

Mr Juffa told the Post Courier newspaper there was more than enough evidence surrounding the killings which often happen publicly in front of large crowds.

He said no matter how many people were involved, action needed to be taken to bring everyone involved to justice.

The Oro Province governor said sorcery-related killings were spreading fast and even some reasonably educated people in PNG were endorsing them, saying they were convinced the victims practised sorcery.

Mr Juffa said PNG's collective silence, especially that of leaders like himself as well as churches and NGOs, only endorsed the vile crimes.

Gary Juffa also singled out the Prime Minister Peter O'Neill saying he could not merely condemn sorcery-related killing in Parliament and ignore the realities on the ground.

Papua New Guinea MP for Oro Regional, Gary Juffa

Oro Province Governor Gary Juffa Photo: Loop PNG