Pacific / Vanuatu

Vanuatu Govt arrives at cost of Pam

07:22 am on 13 August 2015

The Vanuatu Government has put a cost of $US443 million dollars [$443,228,000] on the country's rebuild following Cyclone Pam.

Some of the classrooms destroyed by Pam on Emae Island in March. Photo: RNZI / Koroi Hawkins

The Prime Minister's Office says its Post Disaster Needs Assessment provides a credible estimate of the damage and loss caused to Vanuatu's social, infrastructural and economic sectors.

The assessment will allow it to prioritise and address recovery and reconstruction needs in the aftermath of one of the worst cyclones to hit Vanuatu.

The Deputy Prime Minister, Moana Carcasses, says it is crucial for the reconstruction of the country.

He says it is equivalent to more than 64 percent of gross domestic product of the country.

Mr Carcasses says the only good thing to come out of the cyclone is that it brought the lesson that Vanuatu needs to strengthen its social, productive and economic sectors.

Earlier assessments by the World Bank had reached similar figures.