
Return of tourism to give big boost to ailing Pacific economies

09:18 am on 8 August 2022

The revival of tourism in the Pacific is providing a much needed boost to the regional economy as more and more island countries reopen borders that have been closed by the covid-19 pandemic.

The Asian Development Bank has released a revised economic outlook predicting a growth of 4.7 percent in the regional economy this year, rising to 5.7 percent next year.

Nadi International Airport, Fiji

Nadi International Airport, Fiji Photo: RNZI/Sally Round

One of the report's authors, ADB Pacific economist Cara Tinio, said it was great to see things finally looking up for the region.

However, she says the bank is still keeping a close eye on potential future economic shocks.

Resort up for international award

Samoa's five-star hotel, Taumeasina Island Resort, is a recipeint for the 2022 International Travel Awards.

The accolades reward businesses within the travel, tourism, and hospitality sectors, recognising travel locations for their contributions to the industry.

Samoa re-opened its borders on August 1 after borders were closed for more than two years due to the covid-19 pandemic.

The multi-million dollar Taumeasina Island Resort is owned by three partners from Papua New Guinea.