New Zealand / Politics

Brash frustrated at 'censored' police email report

09:43 am on 12 May 2009

Former National Party leader Don Brash says he is frustrated over the outcome of a long running police inquiry into emails he says were stolen from his computer while he was the leader of the Opposition.

Author Nicky Hager used the emails in his book The Hollow Men, but will not say how he got them.

Now, on the orders of the Ombudsman, Dr Brash has been issued with an edited version of the 2007 police inquiry which failed to identify who accessed the emails.

Dr Brash told Morning Report it is very heavily censored, as there is no indication what police were told by people they spoke to.

He says those interviewed included Nicky Hager, New Zealand First leader Winston Peters, and Labour MP Clayton Cosgrove.

Listen to Don Brash