
Two girls on Saipan go missing

09:55 am on 27 May 2011

Two young girls have gone missing as they waited for a school bus near their residence in As Teo, in the CNMI.

A Commonwealth-wide Amber Alert has been issued for Faloma Luhk, aged 10, and Meleina Luhk, aged 9, who relatives believe may have been abducted.

An Amber Alert is a child abduction alert bulletin issued upon the suspected abduction of a child.

The girls were last seen Wednesday at 6am as they were leaving their house in As Teo on their way to a bus stop, and did not return home after school.

Witnesses spotted the sisters sitting across from the bus stop on a drainage cement slab around 6:10am.

Police later learned that the girls missed their 6:30am bus.