
Kiribati Opposition's hopes of no confidence vote quashed

13:15 pm on 14 November 2019

Kiribati's Parliament has been closed by the Speaker, quashing plans by the Opposition to oust the government.

Parliament House in Kiribati

Parliament House in Kiribati Photo: RNZ Pacific / Koro Vaka'uta

The Opposition, which held a majority in the House, was to move a motion of no confidence against the president before Parliament's end on Friday.

But in an abrupt move on Thursday morning, the Speaker, Tebuai Uaai, declared the last session of Parliament for the year over.

The High Court ruled on Monday that the speaker's blocking of a motion of no confidence last month was illegal, and that it must be heard in Parliament.

The Opposition has been bolstered by discontent over the government's recognition of China, which led several MPs to defect to a new party.