Business / Law

Court declines ANZ's request to throw out Ross Asset investors' claim

18:56 pm on 5 May 2020

Investors from the collapsed Ross Asset Management fund are one step closer to taking the ANZ Bank to court.

26315243 - melbourne australia - march 1,2014  logo of australia and new zealand bank  anz  - one of the four largest bank in australia

Photo: tktktk/123RF

They claim ANZ knew, or should have known that David Ross' accounts were operating like a Ponzi scheme.

The Wellington financial adviser was jailed in 2013 for a fraud that left investors $115 million out of pocket.

In March ANZ argued in the High Court in Wellington that the claim should be struck out because it lacked specifics, and it had been brought too late.

However, investors argued the claim was clear.

In a judgement released today the court declined to strike out the claim.